1. Organize your receipts into categories:
- Receipts must show the paid amount with the payment method (the reservation or check-in confirmation is not enough).
- If applicable, screenshot of the designated lodging vs. alternative lodging for comparison.
- Notes about any irregularities, such as a lodging reservation under a different name for shared accommodations.
- Airline ticket reservation receipt.
- Airline checked baggage fees.
- Uber, Lyft printed email receipt with map of ride.
- Taxi or public transportation receipt.
- Rental car receipt with dates of rental, calculate pro-rated amount if personal days were taken.
- Google map showing mileage to/from the destination for personal car transportation.
- If using AZ State Meals & Incidental Expenses to calculate rates include a note about which meals were included with the conference and/or on the flight.
Note: Travel days are reimbursed up to 75% daily rate and meals included in the conference and/or on flights will be subtracted (check the Current State of AZ Meals/Lodging Reimbursement rates for the city you will visit https://policy.fso.arizona.edu/fsm/1400/1471). - If submitting itemized receipts for each day be sure to subtract any alcohol and related taxes.
Note: Reimbursements will not exceed the AZ State amount for each day so keep that in mind when ordering room service.
2. Submit your receipts to the Program Coordinator.
3. Wait a few days for the Program Coordinator to generate your Travel Expense Report, then sign the report in person or electronically.
4. Done!